Oceanview...we suppose there are some ocean views to be had in this district, but perhaps a better name is "Dalyview", for the un-surpassed views of Daly City. Take a drive around this area, and spend some time there, and you'll see what we mean. There are views, but hey...they're not that great (That for our out of town readers...don't be fooled by the name.) There are sounds though, that's for sure, thanks to the ever-present hum of the Interstate-280, which is this area's border to the south and east. For those that don't know, the I-280 is one of two major road arteries leading to and from downtown from many areas south of San Francisco. The other artery being the 101. As we've said in Stage 23 (Ingleside Heights) and Stage 25 (Ingleside) the hum of traffic could be kind of soothing. Kind of like wind in the trees. Think of it that way.
The neighborhood itself is very "working class", or "blue-collar", and not necessarily the most cared for, or "pride of ownership" area. This is not to say there isn't the anomoly, we have to generalize. But as with most properties in the city, they sell quickly, and for a pretty penny:
A lot of the homes are very similar to some of the homes in the stages we've done in the past. We like to call them the "Parkside" homes: two bed; one bath up; one car parking; and many with the oh-so common "unwarranted in-law" down. Only in this neighborhood, they are a bit less well maintained.
Of course they have a few homes that are totally out of character too:
This fire house on Broad St is quite possibly the best maintained building of all the neighborhood:
There are all kinds of mom and pop stores like Louies Bait Shop (appeared shut down), Reno's Barber Shop, and all kinds of Bible Churches, Baptist Churches, and even an Urban Outreach Center on Plymouth.
The main public transport is the M-Line, and for fun outdoor activity head over to the Oceanview Recreation Center, where there are huge fields for soccer, baseball, football, and generally running wild. They are renovating the entire center, and it looks like it is coming along quite nicely. Think new playgrounds and "a campus-style grouping of four buildings -- gymnasium, community room, teen center and a multi-purpose building that will house a preschool, kitchen, weight room, arts and crafts center and staff offices. The buildings will face a central courtyard."[sfgate]. It's gonna be sweet!

For your cellular needs you might try this place. Never heard of iT, but iT might be good. If nothing else, you could ask the owner if he/she likes yellow/orange buildings and if that happens to be his/her monster truck parked out front. Haven't they heard that San Francisco is one of "the greenest cities in the nation"? Come on! Get with it. ;-) Hummers are sooo out!
And of course, what neighborhood tour would be complete without the home that has been forgotten? Or shall we say, "The home that forgot to buy enough fresh blue paint?"
If you're lucky enough to have neighbors that think their home is a castle, or the floating porch a perfect place for a drum set, well Oceanview might be your calling. These two homes are located on Margaret at Summit and they are a sight to see. Not just for the sight, but how do you get two complete disasters next door to each other?
All in all, the Oceanview is a good neighborhood. Not loaded with fun shops, restaurants, sights, character, or charm, but a good solid place to live and buy a home. Homes are definitely a good buy here, and as more and more families get priced out of the "nicer" areas, Oceanview may just come along. That is if they don't leave San Francisco entirely.
the listings
the stats