First impression: lots of dead grass in Ingleside Terrace. We're not sure if that is a drought thing, or a neighborhood thing. We get around in this town (don't laugh), and we can honestly say, we have not seen as much dead grass on front lawns in the city as we have in this area. Maybe it is because they have really big front yards and lots of space. Not sure. Anyway.....
Ingleside Terrace [enlightened by a reader]has everything a neighborhood could need to be a top area in the city, but the homes or the care they are given, simply come up a bit short. That's not to say there aren't a few standout homes with well manicured yards, good coats of paint, and nice views, but for the most part, many homes come up lacking.
The neighborhood itself is like a little oasis amongst some otherwise less desirable locations (Merced Heights, Ingleside), but on the other side of Ocean Ave., there are beautiful areas like Balboa Terrace, and Mount Davidson Manor (not yet toured). Oddly enough, the noise coming from Junipero Serra isn't that bad once you get inside the Ingleside Terrace gates.
Homes in this area, like anywhere in the city, sell quickly when priced right. There are homes from $800,000 all the way into the mid to upper $2Millions.
Here's a look at the averages:
135 Cedro ($2,950,000), a bit above average.

If you're looking for areas with serious upside, and a possible good investment, it's places like this that you want to look. The homes are very large, and the area is a little run down, but that can easily be improved, and there are many a standout home that definitely raise the bar.
Nice home on Lunado
Not so nice home on North Entrada
This is an Assist 2 Sell home coming on the market soon at 860 Head St. How 'bout watering that grass? Assist 2 Sell sure knows how to spruce up a home.
Views to the south at the corner of Cerritos and Lunado
The home that has been forgotten, there were a few of these. This one is also on Lunado.
The Standout on Mercedes
Winner of the brightest color award
A tiny fixer at 710 Victoria
And the sundial where North and South Entrada converge
For your commercial fix of restaurants, you'll want to hit Ocean Ave, and for your escape out of town Junipero Serra is right out your door, and that will take you onto the I-280 to all points south in a matter of minutes. Stonestown Galleria is nearby for your mall fix, and you're close enough to the ocean that you might even hear it at night. So check it out, you might be surprised.
If you look at "the listings" you will see a decidely different set of pictures and homes than what we've showcased here. That was the goal. Show and tell the side you most often wouldn't hear. Happy house hunting!
the listings
the stats