It seemed like we'd never get out of District 4, but alas, we made it to District 5. What a journey it has been. Welcome to Glen Park.
As you may have realized by now, we aren't historians, and we aren't typically hip to the bars, clubs, restaurants of these areas, rather we focus on the real estate. Here are a couple good weblinks for both a brief history and a much more detailed history of Glen Park, should you be so inclined. If you're looking for the commercial part of the area where all the cool little shops and restaurants are, you'll want to head to the area around Chenery and Diamond.
So what about the homes? From a statistical point of view, they generally sell very quickly and Glen Park has become a bit of a hot spot.

This is one area that has just about every type of property you can think of, and many, many little patches of homes that don't at all feel like Glen Park. If you're interested in being right in the thick of it and calling yourself a true Glen Parkian, you should probably concentrate your home search around the south end of the District on streets like Chenery, Lippard, Bosworth, Surrey, Poppy, Thor, Sussex and Castro to name a few. If you don't want to be on a busy street, don't buy a home on Diamond. It is a bit of an artery.
Homes on Chenery towards west end of street or the actual Glen Park
Taken from Sussex looking west towards streets like Conrad, Arbor
A little itty bitty yellow house on Surrey
Homes on Sussex at Van Buren
Colorful home on Laidley
Homes on Roanoake
A remodel on the corner of Diamond and Moffit
What's amazing is how geographically large Glen Park is, and how it encompasses many different "structural vibes". For example, the homes on the north end (up around Digby, Everson, Addison), although technically in Glen Park, would be much more suited as part of Diamond Heights. If you're looking for mid-century homes, look there.
Homes on the top of the hill on Everson
Homes on Addison
On the map you obviously can't tell, but the area has quite a hill. Amazing views in all directions can be had from the right homes.
Views from Everson looking Northwest to Southeast (click to enlarge)

Another area of "Glen Park" that is distinctly different from the rest is the northeast slope of the hill on streets like Beacon, Laidley, Sanchez, Whitney, Randall, etc. The area feels very much more like Noe Valley as opposed to Glen Park (keep in mind we're going off the SFAR map for consistency). Taking a bend even further east and you'll start to feel like you're in Bernal Heights.
Homes on Beacon, looking up the hill towards Digby

There is an excellent park at the top of the hill (Walter Haas Playground). The kids in the swings and on the slides here have no idea how great their view is. This park would have to take top honors for spectacular view that one hardly gets to enjoy whilst chasing little bambinos around in circles.
The last thing we would like to say is that as with every part of town, you will find the rundown areas and some homes that could use a little more TLC than the others.
Homes right next to Penny Lane on Diamond looking east.
Homes on Moreland
From the perspective of a resident Glen Parkian:
Glen Park is almost like two neighborhoods, the Glen Park Village side, near the BART station and the Fairmount Heights side, overlooking Upper Noe.
Glen Park has recently received a new grocery store and condominium,
right in the middle of the commercial district and it has really
brightened things up. There is also going to be a brand new marble
front city library in the building.
The hills above Glen Park village almost have a Sausalito feel, with
streets that twist around and follow the contour of the hillside. The
neighborhood has had lots of young families, who are getting priced
out of Noe Valley, move into it in the last couple of years. Baby
strollers are a common site.
The Fairmount Heights side is actually quite a bit sunnier, as the fog
line tends to be right at the top of the hill in Diamond Heights. It
is quite windy, especially in the afternoons, though. Some of the
interesting streets include "Wonderful Laidley" which has quite a few
modern homes with interesting architecture.
There is also one of those magical hidden wooden staircases, called
Harry Street, that actually has a number of homes on it.
Most of the homes in this neighborhood have views: the Glen Park side
has views of The Excelsior and McLaren Park, while the Fairmount
Heights side has views of Bernal Heights and The Bay.
Next week, stage 45 Haight Ashbury.