Is it just us, or does that district outline look like a pistol? Maybe we'll call this the pistol district. Moving on....
Haight Ashbury. Wow, what a spot with so much history, and so much to see. This is where our job gets tough. On the map we've been referencing for this entire tour we see the entire pistol district, however, you must break it down even further. It should look something more like this:
There are certainly that many tiny nano markets amongst this one micro-market. We say again, you cannot base your buying decision on what you see on a map. You absolutely must get out there and drive, nay walk, an area if you plan on moving there. Haight Ashbury is a perfect example.
Generally, the area is full of Victorians and Edwardians: single family; multi-unit; and condominium. As with every area of town, the right priced homes are going to sell quickly, and the overpriced or under marketed homes will sit.

Some of the most popular areas are those around Cole (Cole Valley) and the streets like Frederick, Belvedere, and Parnassus near Clayton. Clayton is an extremely busy street as is Carl, Stanyan, Oak (takes the cake), and Frederick. There are views to be had from several areas in this district (Frederick, Hillway, Parnassus), and there are flat quaint streets perfect for sitting on your stoop enjoying the sun (Beulah, Waller, Page, and Cole).
You're going to pay more for your home south of Haight than you would north and it's going to be much more competitive. Homes in these areas don't come on the market all too often and when they do there is a line to get in. Oak Street has to be the toughest sell of the whole district as it is a very, very busy street. But if you can deal with a little road noise, you can definitely get something nice on this street for less than you'd pay on other streets...naturally. There are also a couple tiny one way "alleyways" that are very desirable and quaint (Delmar and Downey).
Haight street, in case you haven't heard, is one of the best shopping destinations in the city. Cole has its share of nice restaurants and San Francisco vibe as well, but Haight takes top honors, and is home to one of our editor's favorite stores (Villains).
Living in the Haight does have its drawbacks. There is a very large percentage of vagrants and "homeless" people milling about and it is not uncommon to go outside your front door and have a few of them hanging out on your steps enjoying the sun, especially the closer you get to Haight Street. It just comes with the territory.
This district is also home to the Lycee Francais. But don't think you can move into this area and just send your children to this school. Just like most schools in San Francisco it is extremely competitive to get your children into this school, but with a little luck, persistence and connections, you might just find your little bambinos parle'ing un peux Francais!
Access to parks (particularly Golden Gate and the Panhandle) is second to none, as is access to other parts of the city. It's a quick trip down Oak to downtown, SOMA, Mission, and the highway 101 on ramp (think Bay Bridge). It's equally convenient getting to the west via Lincoln (the Beach), and it's easy getting over the hill into the Castro and Upper Market areas, as well as crossing the panhandle into the increasingly popular and hip NOPA.
The weather is generally nice, a bit foggy in the summer, but Cole Valley actually enjoys some shelter from Mt Sutro, which blocks the fog and wind for many days in the summer. We like to call this a banana belt, and something a lot of people don't know.
Other than that, as always, we suggest you take a look for yourself and let us know what you think.
That's enough chatter, on to the photos.
Home on Carl.
Shrader homes
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