My goodness it's been a long time since we've done a stage. Good thing this is a relatively small district and we can ease back into the flow of the Tour de San Francisco (real estate). Today brings us to a very green (buzzword these days) part of San Francisco...Buena Vista Park. How did it get it's name, well...the park!
One Entrance to Buena Vista Park near Duboce

As you might be able to gather from this district if you have any inkling of the Spanish language this area has really, really great views from just about every angle. This area pretty much encircles B.V park and the names of Buena Vista street coincide accordingly (Buena Vista East, and Buena Vista West). On the west side there are great views to the North and West (obviously) and on the East, great views toward downtown and all the rising condo towers.
Views from B.V. West towards St. Ignatius/Lone Mountain and Marin Headlands (USF)

Views from Buena Vista East towards downtown (at Duboce)

Most of the homes in this area run with the Victorians and Edwardians and can tend to be quite grand, but there are the occasional mid-century gems thrown in just for fun and to break things up. The streets are quiet (relatively) and the neighborhood is good. There is a bit of riff-raffy spillover from Haight St., but what do you expect when you live so close to it?
Home on the corner of Buena Vista West and Java

Literally the other side of the street on Java

Homes down on Buena Vista West at Waller

Home on Buena Vista West with heavy security


Home on the corner where B.V. East meets B.V. West

There is one thing that you'll definitely notice when driving this area is an abundance of Palm trees. Make no mistake, we love ourselves some tropical flavor, but we're just sayin'.

Something tells me when this house comes on the market it will say, "Original condition. First time on market in 60 years." This home is on Alpine.

Taken from Alpine looking up Towards B.V. Terrace

This is a great home tucked into the corner on Broderick where Waller connects.

Multi units on Waller

Forgotten units on Waller at Alpine. Alpine btw right here is sooo steep!

Buena Vista East heading (and looking) west.

Did Dr. Seuss live here, or just the Lorax?

Home (and Palm) on the corner of B.V. Terrace and B.V. East

For the most part, homes tend to sell relatively quickly in this area and are very sought after. Of course, it always comes down to price. Location to all the great things San Francisco has to offer is just around every corner. Haight Street is a stones throw away, as is the Castro, and all the new and bustling areas on Divasadero leading to NOPA. There are lots and lots of trees, lots of hills and tons of great homes. As I always like to advise, if wind bothers you, this area gets really , really windy. But, like all things in San Francisco, you have to take the good with the bad to get the benefit of living in a great city.
Don't forget, if you really want to cruise the streets of Buena Vista Park, you should get out there and do it, and this area is small enough you could probably walk the whole thing in an hour. Who needs a car anyway!?
Questions? Don't hesitate to ask (sfnewsletter@gmail.com).
p.s. I may amend this post as the day and week goes on. I wanted it up for today's issue of sfnewsletter. Better yet, add your take in the comments below!