We don't have any idea who it was who decided how and why to break the city up into all the different districts we have, but they sure as hell did a good job. It is amazing how crossing one side of the street to the other can literally change the way a neighborhood feels, what the homes look like, and how much "stink eye" the residents throw your way when we're taking pictures of their homes. Not really, but we do get some looks. Maybe it's the ski mask, or is it our van without windows?
If you're in this part of town, checking out Sherwood Forest and you cross over Yerba Buena to the south, you've just entered Monterey Heights, and it is a totally different vibe. Homes are generally much larger, more "stately", have nice big yards (front and back), and the area feels very suburban, especially the homes on Rosewood.
But then jump onto Maywood and the homes feel less "stately" and look much more 80's.
This little area down there where St. Elmo, Fernwood, and El Verano intersect is quite simply lovely. Check out the views from 135 Fernwood (price reduced from $4,285,000 to $3,900,000). They're claiming western views, we'd have to disagree and claim those are southern views. West would be views of the Pacific Ocean, but who said we were the view police.
St. Elmo is even home to the People's Republic of China Residence of the Consul General, and of course we got a photo for you.
How about sales?
A lot of these homes aren't cheap, but they come up so rarely they tend to move pretty quickly. Yes, it's that easy to sum it up in this area. There is however a juicy little story that SocketSite is all over regarding 166-168 Yerba Buena, so we'd invite you to check it out.
Some more homes on St. Elmo:
Home on San Jacinto:
The single story homes in this city tend to hide really well, but they exist.
Homes on Rosewood:
This area has some beauties, that is for sure.
That ends yet another tour stage. We're just about half-way there. Next week, words from a reader, not us. We'll snap some photos, but zipping our lips. We invite you to contribute for your area. We're on our way!
As always, if you have questions, comments, concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.