The Tour de San Francisco is our version of the great cycling race, where we tour through our nano-markets around town. Last week we wound our way up the quaint little section of 16th Ave in the Inner Parkside. This week, stage 16 turns again towards the ocean and great cycling areas of Lake Merced District 3A...Lake Shore. We'll finish after 86 stages with district 10K...Bayview Heights. If you have anything you want to say about your neighborhood, we want to hear it.
Welcome to Brady Bunch suburbia. Lake Shore has beautiful, well maintained, "pride of ownership" homes with perfectly manicured front yards (tiny, but nice green grass cut to just the right height.) Most homes were built in the 40's and 50's and are fully detached. This is the closest you'll get to a tract home in San Francisco, and the homes here are still better than any box you could buy in Stockton, or Manteca (Matt?). It is quiet, very quiet in Lake Shore, yet still an area with with tons of access to all kinds of things: golf; Stern Grove; Zoo; Lake Merced; rowing; beach; I-280; SF State; and so much more. There is one thing; however, that kills it for us...the strip mall on Sloat @ Everglade. To some it is a blessing, to us we love San Francisco for the lack of strip malls with big name American retailers (Big 5, Baskin Robbins, Ross, Jenny Craig, Petco, and Payless Shoes to name a few), but you can bet, we'd be shopping there if we lived in that area. If you're thinking of packing up to move to a more quaint, quiet, serene location outside of the city, why not consider Lake Shore instead? It sure beats the East Bay. However, the weather in this district in the summer is pretty much dismal and foggy, but that is what builds character. Right?
the listings
the stats
Six of the city's 10 courses are located within the boundaries of district 3A, Lake Shore. That doesn't mean you can just walk right up and play all of them, in fact, two are just the opposite. Harding Park, since they completely remodeled it, is top-notch and one of the best courses in the country. The best part is that it is public. Many a trophy has been lost here (John?), and many a trophy will be won. The other two clubs are the Olympic Club, members only, and the San Francisco Golf Club, which is beyond strictly members only. They wouldn't even allow former President Clinton to play there...because he's a Democrat.
sure beats the East Bay???? I don't think so.... and I lived out there for years, did some time in Pacifica, lived in Noe for 10, and now live in Crocker Highlands in Oakland.... jesus, there is no comparison to the superior East Bay.
I'm sorry you feel that way. At least you don't have those local kooks taggin your beaches with grafiti. Oh wait, there are no beaches. ;-) Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting.
Man! There are some serious people in the world. I guess jokes are a thing of the past. Sorry you feel that way Gerry Lopez. Glad you're moving from So Cal to Nor Cal. Much friendlier surfers up here, and no, I, nor anyone else at OB would beat you up for surfing there. Go to Fort Point, and it is a different story. I don't surf there. Crappy wave, and angry "locals". See you in the water.
If you're so friendly take that stupid comment off your graphic.
I don't consider that kind of crap a joke. It perpetuates hate and bad attitudes in the water and on the beach.
....and I've lived and surfed in SF since 1990 and in California since 1975.
Thank you for voicing your opinion. The comments received via email regarding the "graffiti" were decidedly more accepting of the graphic. We understand we can't please all the people all the time, but take your opinions in consideration and will be more careful with future posts.
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