Ooh la la! Before we begin telling you about one of our favorite areas in all the city for numerous reasons, let's first make something clear. We always refer to the SFAR disctrict map when talking about neighborhoods, in order to keep things consistent. However, we must say, a large portion of this area is commonly referred to as Cole Valley.
The homes in this area sell very well. They are generally older (early 1900's) single family homes, but there are also a fair share of condos and apartment buildings. The streets are narrow, winding in many places, and very lush and green because of all the large trees lining them. (Think major hay fever here!) Many of the homes have awesome views, it's relatively quiet (except Parnassus, Stanyan, 17th St, Clayton, and Masonic streets), you're a stones throw away from the Haight with all its shops and restaurants, and there is a major medical facility nearby (UCSF)for when your heart fails walking up the steep hills to your front door (God forbid!). Not only that, but it's a quick skip over 17th Street into the Castro/Upper Market area, and also quick to get over Parnassus into the 9th and Irving area.
There is a great elementary school right smack dab in the middle of this district (Grattan), and the streets are kept clean, the people are smiling, and the weather somehow avoids the fog that most of the western half of the city is victim to. This is in large part due to the amphitheatre shape of the area tucked behind Twin Peaks...think Banana Belt. There is one thing to think about if you don't like wind, do not buy a home up on Clifford Terrace/Upper Terrace near Monument. It absolutely NUKES up there in springtime.
Enough said, get out and see, and check out our pics below.
Homes up on Belgrave, a very, very quiet and cool street. Views are incredible up here!
Upper Stanyan home also at Belgrave. This place could fit right into Big Sur.
Upper Stanyan home...modern! We like it!
Woodland. Big trees, quiet streets, big homes.
Woodland where it curves to Willard
Edgewood at Belmont
Delmar home
[this from a reader]
Hi there,
In answer to your question about what the monument is at the top of Upper Terrace, I seem to recall climbing up there some years back and reading that it represents the exact geographical center of the City. Perhaps there's something else it commemorates as well, but that's the part I remember (such is my aged brain).
Thanks for the newsletter!
I lived on Edgewood and raised my kids there, the woods behind the house are reputedly where the Indian Ishii spent his last days.
The street is lined with trees that blossom at the same time in February with beautiful pink flowers.
This came via email:
You asked here (http://tdsf.blogspot.com/2008/04/stage-48-parnassusashbury-heights-cole.html) what the monument is for.
The answer is found here, along with some old photos of what the monument originally looked like...
Adolph Sutro's "Triumph of Light" Statue from 1887 to 1980. The first shot is looking west toward Cole Valley, the other two are from Ashbury and Clifford Terrace, looking Southeast. Sutro erected what he called a "skyline beacon", modeled after a Belgian work of art commemorating liberty, to mark the exact center of San Francisco. At the dedication, he remarked, “May the light shine from the torch of the Goddess of Liberty to inspire our citizens to do good and noble deeds for the benefit of mankind.”
Just wanted to say thank you for posting this. My boyfriend and I were exploring the city today (recently moved from NYC, now living on Buena Vista West) and we found this monument. Several searches on google later, I still couldn't ascertain what the monument was for! Finally I found this delightful blog entry. Also, I took photos of some of the exact same homes you posted in this entry. :)
Love this blog and will be catching up on all of your entries this week.
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